Preparing your Mists of Pandaria Stockpile
- Leg armors and spellthreads – not sure about these. Whilst they will be in demand until the MoP equivalents are available, they are currently over supplied and losing value. There will be no opportunities to buy these unless a guild bank disgorges stacks of them in panic. The best advice I can give you is therefore not to panic if you don’t get all yours sold before MoP is released in patch 5.1 If you’re very lucky you might even be able to sell them to another gold maker who thinks he knows better than you.
For Jewelcrafters and Blacksmiths:
- Raw ores in general
- Adamantite
- Saronite
- Elementium
Raw Herbs
We store herbs in their purest rawest form. Whilst herbs can be made into elixirs, potions and flasks, or milled and made into pigments, inks and glyphs, this can’t be undone. Sounds simple, that glyphs or flasks can’t be turned into herbs, but it’s the essential basic reason why you should stockpile raw goods, commodities, that have not been crafted. The only exception to this would be in a case such as Glyphmas when the number of raw materials required for an item tripled overnight.
For Leveling Alchemists, stockpile:
- Cinderbloom
- Dreaming Glory
- Felweed
- Gromsblood
- Goldthorn, farm this in Arathi Highlands if you enjoy pain.
- Briarthorn
For your Scribe, stockpile:
- All cheap herbs (under 80g/each) except the cataclysm zone herbs.
Keep your eye on purple lotus herbs whenever you glance at the Auction House. This volatile herb is worth a lot of gold, and may be accidentally posted at a cheap price by inexperienced new Pandas.
For new characters who are leveling jewelcrafting, stockpile these raw/uncut gems:
- Alicite
- Jasper
- Zephyrite
- Hessonite
- Nightstone
- Shadowspirit Diamonds
- Bloodstone
- Shadowgem
- Large opal
- Carnelian. Pretty hard to stockpile tbh due to huge prices. It will be in demand but you can’t buy it at a cheap price now.
For enchanters, and tailors
- Infinite dust. For leveling enchanters, nightmare tears, and imbued frostweave
- Elixir of impossible accuracy if you see any cheap.
- Frostweave cloth. Or take 15 minutes to farm Icecrown glacier.
- Runecloth. I can’t put my finger on *why* but it’s one of my constant massive-profits items. Grab some now, just not on my server. Buy 10s-40s each, sell 2g each. Stacks of 20.
Stockpiling for Mists of Pandaria
Avoid inflation, devaluing your liquid gold held in your inventory, by investing it in a stockpile of items.
These are items to farm now or buy from the Auction House and then hoard in your bank, or in your own guild bank of your alt/s
Please don’t use this as the ultimate mists of pandaria stockpile, as we still have months before the MoP release date (my personal prediction is first week of September) and news may come through.
Not sure which professions to level for Pandaria? I recommend cooking and fishing. Both are secondary professions, and learnable by all, and both will bring benefits in MoP.
Keep your eyes on Pandaria news on MMO Champion for news that can change your stockpile.
General Stockpile for Mists of Pandaria
- Volatile fire, because of its many uses. Only skim the lowest prices.
- Volatile life, for transmuting into any of the other volatiles.
- Volatile air. Supply will decrease, and it’s already highly priced.
- Enchanting rods. Please tell me you already sell these. If not, get in there now!
- Hypnotic dust. Used by Tailors for bags. Doubles up as enchanting profession leveler, plus its very cheap atm. That’s a confirmed WIN
- Overcharged capacitor. Because everyone else will forget.
- Crusader Enchants. Everyone loves a scroll of crusader enchant.
- Emotion Buff food. Cupcakes make you happy!
Your Mists of Pandaria Pets Stockpile
- Wood Frog, purchasable from Darkmoon Faire. Since the faire moved to Darkmoon Island, the number of wood frogs available has decreased. Possibly less campers?
- Black Tabby, because it’s so expensive. You can take your own chances with the Argent Tournament Pets, I won’t be investing here.
- Blue Dragonhawk Hatchling
- Brown Rabbit Crate
- Cat Carrier (Siamese)
- Mana Wyrmling
- Red Moth Egg (I’ve removed the other outland pets as they don’t sell as well)
- Elementium Geodes, due to a huge decrease in the number of Cata-zone miners.
- A small number of tickbirds and northrend pets, due to players being to distracted by NEW SHINY STUFF to get off their backside and go to Northrend themselves.
- Make a LOT of engineering pets now and hoard them in your stockpile for Mists of Pandaria
- Mechanical Squirrel
- Tranquil Mechanical Yeti
- Pet Bombling
- Lil’ Smoky
- Lifelike Mechanical Toad
This section wouldn’t be complete without a plug for my Warcraft Pets Selling Guide. Make gold by selling WoW pets. Now is pretty much the perfect time to do this.
Updated June 2012.
Do not go crazy about pets, never sink all your gold in one basket. There will be lots of Wild Pets available, as I wrote in December 2011. Instead, just bag the bargains and hoard them for 6-12 months to double or triple your investment.
The Mists of Pandaria Ore Shuffle
Are you still shuffling obsidium or elementium ore into gems, into jewellery, into enchanting mats, into enchanting scroll?
Consider hoarding the cheap uncommon gems instead, for making into level 79+ necklaces and rings. No one else will be making these items, which are in demand by Scroll of Resurrection players, and will be useful to new Pandaren. Who will be interested in a cataclysm ore shuffle for 5,000g an hour if they can make twice that from a MoP shuffle? Looking forward to seeing that.
Preparing for Pandarens
The Pandaren graphics are completely gorgeous. Lovely enough for me to ignore the linear questline of the starting area and the loss of any sense of adventure there. I’m thinking that if people rerolled to Worgen and Goblin, they’re going to go berserk for Pandarans.
- Bags Stock up underpriced bags that you see in the AH. Keep track of bags prices over time by using WoWuction My video guide shows you how to discover their 60 day pricing history for your realm.
- Embersilk for bags. You can’t stockpile embersilk at the 3g/each mark, and the prices can only rise as supply lessens. However, if you see any under 2g, GET THEM. Alternately, take your tailor for a 15 minute farm of cloth. I recommend 15 minute stretches of farming because that’s the most I can personally tolerate before I want to claw my own eyes out. If you have a greater tolerance, go for it. You could even try an hour of gathering and farming, using a potion of treasure finding. Please don’t come to the Fractured Front in Deepholm, because that’s where I do my own farming, and I don’t want any competition *grin*
- Scroll of Gathering Enchant, or Greater Cosmic Essence, whichever is cheapest. Because most non-stupid Pandaren will take a gathering profession as they level. And we all love an item that has been overlooked by the other gold blogs.
Make gold in Mists of Pandaria
Use your tailor to gather Windwool, the new cloth. Everyone will need Windwool bags, regardless of class or profession!
Use your herbalist to take the short trip to Shimmering Expanse, Vashj’ir, to farm Azshara’s Veil for the fast-selling, expensive Potion of Illusion. You do sell these for a fortune, right?
The Mists of Pandaria Ore Shuffle
Are you still shuffling obsidium or elementium ore into gems, into jewellery, into enchanting mats, into enchanting scroll?
Consider hoarding the cheap uncommon gems instead, for making into level 79+ necklaces and rings. No one else will be making these items, which are in demand by Scroll of Resurrection players, and will be useful to new Pandaren. Who will be interested in a cataclysm ore shuffle for 5,000g an hour if they can make twice that from a MoP shuffle? Looking forward to seeing that.
How to stockpile for Mists of Pandaria
As you have started to stockpile early, with 3-4 months before the expansion, you can afford to be choosy.
We are approaching the quietest time of the year, June, July and August is the dreaded Summer time break, when raid guilds gnash their teeth at the lack of players, when players hesitantly discover the sunshine and the effects of vitamin D.
We also have a slump at the moment as players desert MoP for Diablo 3 temporarily.
Liquidation sales have slowly begun on some servers, and will continue to gain momentum over the next 12 weeks when panic selling will begin.
Knowing what and how to buy is essential to all gold making. I strongly suggest you do not buy your stockpile in one week. Pace yourself over the coming months and skim the low lying prices. Don’t be in a rush. Panic is a friend of failure.
Remember: Stockpile items in their rawest forms to keep your options open. -The Gold Queen
What to sell before MoP release date
- Potions of Treasure Finding. These will be replaced with Potion of Plunder, made with a vial and 3 Golden Lotus
- Blackfallow Ink, and expect the Glyph of Colossus Smash prices to plummet. There are very few other uses for this ink.
- Mysterious Fortune Cards, due to falling Blackfallow Ink prices. Bye bye, profit.
- Epic gems, meta gems, cataclkysm enchants, cataclysm food.
Very, very rich? What to stockpile
- Now the duping hacks are over, look at the leftover Crimson death charger.
- Check price fluctuations on Reins of Poseidus, as the number of campers could decrease if bots and farmers find more profitable pursuits. Note, if they can’t find them, your Reinsprices might not drop to purchseable and flippable prices.
- Super expensive pets. Compare current prices with histories of the previous 60 days. Think Black Tabby, Firefly, Whelplings, Lamps and Lanterns.
- Rare JC Patterns. These patterns drop from Cata mobs, meaning their supply will decrease, unless Blizz buff and increase the drop rates:
- Design: Jeweler’s Ruby Monocle
- Design: Jeweler’s Amber Monocle
- Design: Jeweler’s Sapphire Monocle
Mists of Pandaria Speculation
Interesting ideas that could happen in path 5.1 or 5.2
- Speculation: truegold, dreamcloth, and fire prism will lose their cooldowns
- Speculation: complaints that if mounts and pets and achievements and hierlooms are account-wide, there will be complaints that professions should be account wide. Players will be divided into the whiners, and the outraged. Gold gamers will mock the QQers, worrying they will lose their advantage.
Preparing for Pandarens
The Pandaren graphics are completely gorgeous. Lovely enough for me to ignore the linear questline of the starting area and the loss of any sense of adventure there. I’m thinking that if people rerolled to Worgen and Goblin, they’re going to go berserk for Pandarans.
- Bags Stock up underpriced bags that you see in the AH. Keep track of bags prices over time by using WoWuction My video guide shows you how to discover their 60 day pricing history for your realm.
- Embersilk for bags. You can’t stockpile embersilk at the 3g/each mark, and the prices can only rise as supply lessens. However, if you see any under 2g, GET THEM. Alternately, take your tailor for a 15 minute farm of cloth. I recommend 15 minute stretches of farming because that’s the most I can personally tolerate before I want to claw my own eyes out. If you have a greater tolerance, go for it. You could even try an hour of gathering and farming, using a potion of treasure finding. Please don’t come to the Fractured Front in Deepholm, because that’s where I do my own farming, and I don’t want any competition *grin*
- Scroll of Gathering Enchant, or Greater Cosmic Essence, whichever is cheapest. Because most non-stupid Pandaren will take a gathering profession as they level. And we all love an item that has been overlooked by the other gold blogs.
Final Advice for Pandaria Preparation
- Do your cooking and fishing dailies.
- Just before MoP hits, get 25 daily quests complete and ready to hand in. They will give you XP rather than gold, a nice bump towards level 86. I recommend 10 Tol Barad Peninsula dailies with Molten Front dailies to bring the number to 25.
I’ll just leave this link here to the Daily Blink’s cartoon about the MoP Black Market:
What have I forgotten?
What will you add to this list to make your own personal Mists of Pandaria Snatch List?
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